Memorials, Plaques and Signs in County Kilkenny

Memorials and plaques are an often overlooked part of our cultural heritage. They identify and honour people, historic events and heritage landmarks of the county. The Heritage Office of Kilkenny County Council, with co-funding from the Heritage Council, commissioned an audit of plaques, memorials and significant signs in County Kilkenny in 2015.

Over 300 plaques, memorials and signs from across 61 towns and villages were recorded. The information will be of interest to local historians, community groups, historical societies and local authority planners. Click here for a copy of the report.

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The main types of plaques and memorials recorded were dedication plaques; historic events; significant street plaques; personal memorials; special or scared places, and Ordnance Survey bench marks. It wasn’t possible to survey every road and lane in the county and it is hoped to continue the survey in future years to include any plaques and signs that we missed. Can you help us to record plaques and monuments in your area?

Do you know that permission is required to erect memorials and plaques in Kilkenny? Click here  to read the Kilkenny County Council Memorials Policy and click here to download the application form.

The Heritage Office produced a 2016 calendar highlighting some of the plaques and signs. We are also currently working with our GIS colleagues to map all 300 of the monuments and plaques on an easy to access map of the county – coming soon!


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Moments with Monuments: Hear the Stories

But what are the stories behind these commemorative pieces, who are the characters mentioned and what was the background to the events that led to their being remembered forever in stone or metal on a street corner, building or road?  ‘Moments with Monuments’ is a series of 50 x 5 minute radio programmes which highlight the stories behind some of the monuments and plaques which were surveyed in 2015. It was produced by KCLR, with funding from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s Sound & Vision scheme and the Heritage Office, Kilkenny. The programmes were produced by Monica Hayes and broadcast every Wednesday in 2017 from the 1st February on KCLR’s ‘The Way It Is’ between 6 and 7pm.  They are available to listen to here

A documentary giving an overview of the radio series was also produced and can be accessed here

This project is an action of the Kilkenny Heritage Plan, undertaken in partnership with the Kilkenny Heritage Forum, and is co-funded by Kilkenny County Council and the Heritage Council. Carrig Conservation International Ltd undertook the audit.