We are developing a new 5 year Cultural Strategy for County Kilkenny which will incorporate a new Heritage Plan, Arts Plan and Library Plan. As part of this we want to understand and hear your thoughts. We would love you to pop-in to see us and share your ideas at one of our three informal drop-in events (it’s not a formal meeting or talk, but a chance for you to meet with us and tell us your views). Our first one starts today.
• Ferrybank Library Wed 14th June 2017 5pm – 7pm.
• Kilkenny City, Rivercourt Hotel, Wed 21st June 12:30pm – 2:30pm
• Castlecomer Library, Wed 21st June 5pm-7pm.
If you can’t join us why not complete our on-line survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/KilkennyCS (survey open 5th -30th June 2017) or email us at Kilkenny@mco.ie