Inistioge Entente Florale Gold Medal Winners 2018
Congratulations to Inistioge who won a gold medal in the Entente Florale competition. A lot of hard work by the community, Inistioge Tidy Towns committee and local authority staff has borne fruit and we wish them well.
Tullahought wins Regional Pollinator Award
Tullahought was a regional winner in the Local Authority Pollinator awards in the National Tidy Towns competition which was held in the Helix, Dublin. They are setting high standards for Tidy Towns helping our bees.
Your Place – Open General Meeting
Thomastown Community Network will hold an Open General Meeting on Wednesday 26th September @ 7.30pm in the Thomastown Community Centre. If you enjoyed the many events or projects which they undertook during the year, why not go along to the meeting to find out more about the group and maybe volunteer. All are welcome.
“An Excursion with Words” book launch
The book launch of An Excursion with Words by Pat Shortall will take place in the Springhill Court Hotel on Tuesday 9th October @8pm with music and poetry reading from Pat’s second publication. Cheese & Wine reception @ 7.30pm. RSVP to email:
“Kilkenny in Times of Revolution 1900-1923” book launch
South Kilkenny Historical Society will host a book launch of Kilkenny in Times of Revolution 1900-1923 by Eoin Swithin Walsh on Friday 5th Oct @8pm in Mooncoin Parish Hall. All are welcome.
Top 20 School Yard Birds
It’s so important that children get to know their local birds and our feathered friends are nearly always out and about in the school yard. Biodiversity in Schools have free printable wall display cards to help our primary school children get to know 20 of the most common birds seen around Irish schools. Further details/downloads at
Fitz & the 1st East-to-West Atlantic Flight
To salute the life and achievements of Colonel James Fitzmaurice Laois County Council will host an exhibition and a weekend of events in the ninetieth anniversary year of the first east-to-west Atlantic Flight on Friday 5th October @7pm in the Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise, with an historic aircraft fly-past and wreath laying ceremony at Áras An Chontae, Portlaoise on Saturday 6th October @11am. Further information at