Wildflowers Talk
Birdwatch Ireland Kilkenny Branch, supported by Kilkenny County Council Heritage Office, will host an Illustrated Nature talk by renowned wildflower expert Zoe Devlin on Tuesday 19th March @ 8pm in Kilkenny Golf Club. Zoe will talk about Ireland’s rare flowers (and not so rare, including flowers of Kilkenny), pollinators and some invasive species. Free event. Further information contact Mary Durkin at 056 7762130.
Free Heritage Week Training Day 2019
Would you like to run a National Heritage Week event this year? The Heritage Council have organised a free training day for event organisers on Friday 29th March from 10am – 4pm in the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin 7. Places are limited so book early https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HWTraining2019
It’s not too late – Have your say
The deadline for submissions for the public and community heritage groups to have their say on the new National Heritage Plan has been extended to 31st March 2019. This plan will inform national and local budgets and priorities for the next decade, so it’s vital that anyone who has an interest in Kilkenny’s heritage should submit their thoughts and suggestions. You can make a submission by either completing the on-line survey, send a written submission or email a submission. Further details https://www.chg.gov.ie/heritage/heritageireland2030/
Royal Irish Academy grants
The Royal Irish Academy have opened applications for a number of grants; The Eoin O’Mahony Bursary for Irish History which is open to candidates engaged in historical research on subjects of Irish interest; two Archaeology grants, one for Archaeology Research and one for Archaeology C14 Radiocarbon Dates Scheme. Further details https://www.ria.ie/
Burrenbeo Trust’s Symposium 2019
The Burrenbeo Trust’s Learning Landscape Symposium 2019 takes place from 8th – 10th March in Kinvara, Co. Galway. An immersive weekend full of talks, walks, workshops and activities for anyone and everyone interested in communicating environment, heritage and global sustainability. Bookings/prices at https://burrenbeo.com/our-work/learning/training-events/learning-landscape-symposium/
“Drawn to Tunes”
A new book, by musician and artist Anne-Karoline Distel, titled “Drawn to Tunes” will be launched at John Cleeres, Kilkenny on Wednesday 13th March @8pm. Anne’s original tunes are paired with her drawings of Irish Heritage landmarks, all of which she has visited.