Dusk Chorus at Kilkenny Castle
To mark 50 years of Birdwatch Ireland and 50 years of Kilkenny Castle in state ownership, Birdwatch Ireland Kilkenny Branch, in conjunction with Kilkenny Castle, will host a dusk chorus on Thursday 23rd May @ 7pm in the Castle grounds where you can listen to a vast variety of birdsong. This outing is suitable for all, including wheelchair users and the visually impaired. Meet at 7pm at Kilkenny Castle gates. All are welcome. Further details: contact Pat or Mary Durkin 056 7762130.
Redmond and Home Rule
As part of the Home Rule Club 125th anniversary events the Home Rule Club will host a talk, by John Bruton (former Taoiseach), titled ‘Redmond and Home Rule’ on Tuesday 4th June @8.30pm in the Home Rule Club, Johns Quay, Kilkenny. Admission €10 (Supporting Cois Nore) Free tea/coffee. All are welcome. Further details: email darinaobyrne@gmail.com
Bring Your Own Chair
As part of the Bring Your Own Chair project, a portrait of 12 rural towns in the South-East region, Callan Workhouse Union will host portrait events in Slieverue on Wednesday 15th May from 5pm in St. Mary’s Parish Hall and in Kells on Sunday 2nd June from 1pm at Mullin’s Mill, Kells. All are welcome. http://bringyourownchair.ie/
St. Lachtain’s Museum & Craft Centre
St. Lachtain’s Select Vestry Freshford will open their museum and craft centre on 1st June @11.30am and it will be open for visitors for the summer, from Thursday to Saturday each week from 11.30am -4pm. Sile Dooley will give a short talk on her experience of setting up museums. All are welcome.
National Biodiversity Week 2019
National Biodiversity Week 2019 will take place from 18th -25th May with over 50 free events across the country. To find out more go to https://www.facebook.com/pg/biodiversityweek2019/events/
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