William Marshall & the foundation of Kilkenny talk
The OPW, Kilkenny Castle will host a talk, titled William Marshall & the foundation of Kilkenny & New Ross, on Monday 22nd July from 1.15 – 1.45pm in the Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle. This free pop-up talk will focus on the contribution William Marshall made to the foundation of Kilkenny and New Ross. Free event. No booking required. Contact 056 7704105 or email kilkennyguides@opw.ie for more information.
Kilkenny PPN Insurance Survey
PPNs across Ireland have been hearing about the growing financial burden that rising insurance is having on the work of community groups and activities across the country. In order to respond on your behalf Kilkenny PPN need to know the facts and have evidence about how this is affecting your work. Please log on and complete the survey below which will only take a few minutes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PPNcommunityinsurance
Outing to Kilrush House, Freshford
Kilkenny Archaeological Society will host an outing, with car-pooling, to Kilrush House, Freshford, on Saturday 27th July from 3-6pm. Booking required. Contact Rothe House reception for further details 056 7722893 or email reception@rothehouse.com
Barn Owl sites survey in Kilkenny
Birdwatch Ireland Kilkenny have advised that Birdwatches Raptor expert, John Lusby, will be in Kilkenny the week starting 22nd July to do a survey of the barn owl sites of Kilkenny. If you know of any barn owl nest sites in your area in Kilkenny or environs, please contact birdwatchkilkenny@gmail.com with the details or contact Pat or Mary Durkin on 056 7762130.
Creative Ireland Kilkenny Grant Scheme 2019
Kilkenny County Council seeks applications for grants for cultural projects in the county as part of the Creative Ireland 2019 programme. The grant scheme will provide financial support to local and community groups and individuals, artistic and creative practitioners, event organisers and those involved in creative, cultural and heritage activities and projects, to encourage cultural participation throughout Kilkenny. Closing date for applications: 5pm 7th August 2019. Further details/application forms at https://www.kilkennylibrary.ie/eng/news/latest-news/creative-ireland-kilkenny-grant-scheme-2019.html
Bricks, Mortar & Data
Callan Workhouse Union will host Bricks, Mortar & Data, RTÉ Radio 1 Davis Now Lectures 2019 recording event, presented by Professor Linda Doyle, on Wednesday 17th July @ 6.45pm at Workhouse Union, Callan. This is a free event but has limited capacity. Go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bricks-mortar-and-data-rte-rad… to find out more about this event or to book a ticket.