Heritage News & Events 13.8.19

Launch of Heritage Week 2019 (photo Dylan Vaughan)

Things to do in Heritage Week 2019
While enjoying the lovely weather why not think about what you might like to do during this year’s Heritage Week which runs from 17th -25th August. Guided tours of Heritage sites, street walks, mountain hikes and learning about the cricket played in Kilkenny long ago are just a few of the many interesting things to do. To see a full list of what’s on offer, in Kilkenny, during Heritage Week go to https://www.heritageweek.ie/whats-on/events?where=kilkenny&when=&type=&order=&q=

Dynastic marriages & medieval power couples
The OPW will host a free pop up talk titled Dynastic Marriages & Medieval Power Couples on Tuesday 27th August from 1.15 – 1.45pm in the Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle. The focus will be on the important of these alliances, and how the ascent of these men was through their marriages to important heiresses. http://kilkennycastle.ie/event/dynastic-marriages-medieval-power-couples/

River Nore nature walk
Birdwatch Ireland Kilkenny Branch will host a nature walk, lead by Pat Durkin, Birdwatch Kilkenny and Pat Boyd IWF, along the River Nore on Sunday 25th Aug @9.30am. They will identify bird species and invasive species. Meet at Canal Square @ 9.30am. For further details email birdwatchkilkenny@gmail.com

River Barrow walk
An Taisce Kilkenny will host a walk along the River Barrow on Sunday 25th August @ 2.30pm to celebrate Water Heritage Day. The round trip is less than 10km and will take approx. 2½hours. Meet at the entrance to Duiske Abbey, Graiguenamanagh. Please bring walking shoes and rain gear. For further details contact Mary Brennan on 087/6733518

Climate Heritage Network
Historic Environment Scotland will host the launch of the emerging Climate Heritage Network at an event on 24-25th October in Edinburgh. The programme will include both a heritage conversation about climate change and a climate change conversation about Heritage. Further details http://climateheritage.org/launch-2019/