Grants for historic structures
Do you own a Protected Structure, or a building in an Architectural Conservation Area, in need of repair? If so, you may be eligible to apply for a Conservation Grant. Kilkenny County Council Conservation Office has 2 conservation grant schemes for repairs to windows, doors, roofs, walls, and other architectural elements. Permission must be sought before starting works, and only successful applicants will be awarded funding. The deadline for applications is 31st January 2020.
Native Woodland Scheme Training Course
Woodlands of Ireland and the Forest Service (Dept. of Agriculture, Food & the Marine) will jointly host a 2-day Native Woodland Scheme Training Course on 25th & 26th November in Summerhill House Hotel, Enniscorthy. Anyone interested in the management of native woodlands would find this course beneficial. Cost: €120 includes refreshments, lunches and course handouts. Limited places which will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. To register contact Declan Little, Woodlands of Ireland at