Heritage News & Events 16.7.20

Traditional Thatched Cottage (photo courtesy of Heritage Council

New Minister of State for Heritage
The Heritage Office of Kilkenny County Council welcomes the appointment of Malcolm Noonan TD as Minister of State for Heritage. Malcolm, a former Kilkenny County Council Elected Representative, has been an active member and Chair of the Kilkenny Heritage Forum and a great advocate for Kilkenny’s heritage. We wish Malcolm well on his new appointment. Under the newly-formed Government, the heritage brief has moved to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Inistioge – looking forward to 2021
Supervalu Tidy Towns Newsletter Issue 4 has an article about the lovely town of Inistioge. Following their success in the Entente Florale and having represented County Kilkenny in the National Pride of Place Awards in 2019 they are looking to the future and how, during the lockdown, the strong links that maintain their community and Tidy Towns work were unbroken. To read the article go to https://www.tidytowns.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Newsletter20204.pdf

Become a Volunteer on the Kilkenny Welcome Team
Kilkenny County Council have launched the Kilkenny Welcome Team, whereby local volunteers will meet and greet visitors, providing a warm Kilkenny welcome along with helpful information about the attractions, ATM locations, train and bus times and interesting snippets about Kilkenny. To find out how you could become a volunteer go to www.Kilkennycoco.ie/teamkilkenny Closing date: 5pm Monday 20th July

Rethink Ireland Equality Fund
The Equality Fund 2020-2023 has been launched to support organisations and groups that empower marginalised communities and tackle systemic inequality. It will focus on three strands: 1. Empowering Women 2. Strengthening Communities and 3. Building equality Together. Closing date for applications (submitted on line) is 5pm Monday 14th September. Further details at https://rethinkireland.ie/current_fund/equality-fund-2020-2023/

Ireland’s Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Dept. of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has launched an open call for applications to showcase elements of Ireland’s Intangible Cultural Heritage as part of Heritage Week 2020.  They will provide bursaries to the successful applicants where costs for showcasing are involved, up to a maximum of €1000. Closing date for receipt of proposals: 12pm 24th July. Further details/application forms at https://nationalinventoryich.chg.gov.ie/intangible-cultural-heritage-and-heritage-week-2020-open-call-for-applications-to-showcase-irelands-intangible-cultural-heritage/


Irish Fox (photo courtesy of Heritage Council)

Use your lego to showcase local heritage
The Heritage Council is calling on children, aged 4 to 12 years of age, across the country to put their imagination to good use this summer by using their Lego bricks to recreate their favourite example of Irish built, natural or cultural heritage. You must choose your category, build a model, write a short description of what your model represents and why it’s important to you.  Closing date: Sunday 30th August. Lego books and kits will be provided for the winners. To find out more go to https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/projects/lego-competition