Let’s get buzzing
Tidy Towns groups are encouraged to get buzzing and enter the Local Authority Pollinator Award in the national Tidy Towns competition. The award, with a €10,000 prize fund, encourages Tidy Towns groups to implement pollinator-friendly actions as part of the Tidy Towns competition. There is also a new “Best Newcomer Award” in 2021 with a prize of €1,000. Closing date for applications is 23rd July 2021. Further details/application forms available https://pollinators.ie/communities/tidytowns-pollinator-award/enter-the-2021-local-authority-pollinator-award/
Can you tell your swifts from your swallows?
Birdwatch Ireland, in partnership with the Local Authorities Water Programme, have published a leaflet to help you identify 4 of our summer visitors which are often mistaken for each other (swift, swallow, house martin and sand martin). To download a copy go to https://kilkennyheritage.ie/2021/06/can-you-tell-your-swifts-from-your-swallows/ If you have sightings of swifts and their nests in Co. Kilkenny please email swifts@birdwatchireland.ie
Wetlands Survey 2021
The Heritage Office has commissioned a new programme of wetland surveys in County Kilkenny starting in July. Wetlands are one of the most biodiverse habitats we have and are essential to buffer against the impacts of climate change. They can range in size from springs and ponds, to rivers, lakes and bogs. The survey builds on the wetland audit undertaken in 2020, and the data gathered will inform future polices. The project is co-funded by Kilkenny County Council and the Heritage Council under the County Heritage Plan funding 2021.
Kilkenny Barn Owl Survey
The Barn Owl, with its brilliant white feathers and screeching call, is a source of myth and legend in Ireland. Sadly, Barn Owl numbers have declined and they are now under threat. BirdWatch Ireland, in partnership with Kilkenny County Council Heritage Office, are undertaking a survey of Barn Owls in Co. Kilkenny this summer and are looking for your help. You can help the survey and conservation efforts by reporting any information that you have on Barn Owls in the county by visiting https://birdwatchireland.ie/our-work/surveys-research/research-monitoring/raptors/barn-owl-survey/ This project is funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service through the National Biodiversity Action Plan Fund. For further information email heritage@kilkennycoco.ie
Cruinniú na nÓg
Ireland’s free national day of creativity for children and young people, Cruinniú na nÓg, will take place on Saturday 12th June and in Kilkenny there will be craft creation workshops, growing and planting workshops plus drawing and animation art workshops. To find out what events are taking place, nationally and in Kilkenny, go to https://cruinniu.creativeireland.gov.ie/
Peatlands Gathering 2021
Natural Capital Ireland has joined forces with a collective of peatland community representatives, practitioners, researchers and specialists to bring you a new event, ‘Peatlands Gathering 2021; a new beginning’, which will consist of a two-day online forum on 7th-8th October with presentations and dialogue and hopefully some field trips on 9th October. Further details available at https://peatlandsgathering.wixsite.com/peatlandgathering21
Storytelling and Oral History 2021 Online Conference
The Oral History Network of Ireland (OHNI) will host a 2-day online conference, titled ‘Storytelling and Oral History: Reflections on Two Decades of Life History Research’ on 18th & 19th June and offers oral history practitioners an opportunity to reflect on the role played by storytelling within interviews, the factors that shape the telling of a story and the potential future uses of these stories after the interview. Cost: Members €60, Non-members €90. Registration will close on 14th June. Further details/registration go to https://oralhistorynetworkireland.ie/2021-conference
New Irish Regional History postgraduate programme
St. Patrick’s College, Carlow have launched two new Level postgraduate programmes: a Master of Arts and a Postgraduate Diploma in Irish Regional History which are 18-24 month part-time, evening programmes that will commence in September 2021. Closing date for applications is 30th July 2021. Application/entry requirements available at https://carlowcollege.ie/courses/postgraduate/m-a-in-irish-regional-history/ and https://carlowcollege.ie/courses/postgraduate/postgraduate-diploma-in-irish-regional-history/
Mná 100 Podcast Series
Minister Catherine Martin recently announced a new podcast series, Mná 100, as part of the Decade of Centenaries programme, which reflects on some of the women who were instrumental in shaping Ireland’s history, 100 years ago. The first episode, Elections May 2021, is available to listen to by clicking Elections May 2021
Renewable Energy webinar
3CEA (3 Counties Energy Agency), supported by Kilkenny Leader Partnership, will host a webinar, titled, Grids, Renewable Energy & Your Community, on Tuesday 22nd June @ 9.30am & 10.45am. This is an information sharing event for Kilkenny communities that might like to develop a renewable energy project in their community. The webinar is free but booking is essential as places are limited. Further details/registration at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/grids-renewable-energy-your-community-the-kilkenny-grid-study-sharing-registration-157223227907?keep_tld=1