Kilkenny County Council Celebrates Reuse Month
To celebrate Reuse Month this October Kilkenny County Councils Environment Section has partnered with Elaine Butler for a series of virtual talks every Tuesday evening throughout October looking at different aspects of sustainability. The first online talk will be on 5th October titled Sustainability on a Shoestring. Free event but registration is required Further details available at
Irish Georgian Society Autumn online lecture series
The Irish Georgian Society autumn nine-week lecture series titled Irish Cities in the Georgian Era: architecture and urban morphology, will commence on Tuesday 5th October and will cover the Irish cities of Belfast, Cork, Derry, Dublin, Drogheda, Kilkenny, Limerick and Waterford during the long eighteenth century. The lecture on Tuesday 16th will be of particular interest to Kilkenny residents titled Kilkenny: Faded Grandeur by Provincial Decency by Dr Hugh Maguire. Cost: €15 per lecture or €105 for all nine lectures. Further details at
Save the Day
Kilkenny Day with take place on Sunday 10th October with a programme for young and old alike with music, food and craft markets and everything in between. The full programme of events will be uploaded to in due course so keep an eye on it.
National Archives of Ireland launch Commemoration Programme of Events
The National Archives recently launched their 2021 Commemoration Programme of Events to mark the next phase of the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023. The programme will include a series of events from September to December and one of the highlights includes The Treaty 1921: Records from the Archives exhibition. This exhibition will open in Dublin Castle on 6th December and is accompanied by a programme of workshops, curated talks and a digital programme as well as guided tours. Further details available at
New Perspectives and Appraisals of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921-2021
University College Cork School of History will host a two-day virtual conference webinar, via zoom, on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd October titled Negotiating the Negotiations: New Perspectives and Appraisals of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921-2021 and will explore the complex issues surrounding the treaty and the processes of the Anglo-Irish negotiations. Further details on the conference and registration at
The Archivist and the Historian workshop
The Irish Association of Professional Historians and the School of History, UCD, will host an online workshop on Friday 29th October 10am -4pm titled The Archivist and the Historian and will seek to examine the common challenges and common opportunities facing historians and archivists. Free event but registration is required. Further details available at
Bulbs for Bees Challenge
Community and Youth Groups can take up the ‘Bulbs for Bees’ challenge, an invitation to safeguard our bees by planting pollinator-friendly bulbs. This programme is rolled out by the Gaisce Awards and supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. A full list of participating Irish Local Development Network pick-up points is available at…/ Packets of bulbs have also been made available to all post primary schools.