Local Biodiversity Action Fund 2022
Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan announced the Local Biodiversity Action Fund will receive funding of €1.5 million in 2022 – a 300% increase since 2019. The fund assists local authorities to implement the National Biodiversity Action Plan at a local level and is administered by the Local Authority Heritage Officer. Projects undertaken by Kilkenny County Council in 2021 include a Barn Owl survey, Swift survey, citizen science programme, pollinator programme, and Invasive Species Management Plans for Woodstock Gardens & Arborteum, and Silaire Wood. https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/7152d-biodiversity-funding-for-local-authorities-increased-to-21m/?fbclid=IwAR2IuhnF-R5R_cddI96Q8Hiqhm-UDw-ZhNGUD-GQNyfwqZv_wpnSfsA-o34
Survey on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Ireland
The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media invites communities and individuals to participate in a survey on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Ireland. The objective of the survey is to obtain a clear picture of the important work undertaken in Ireland to recognise, raise awareness and safeguard our rich tapestry of ICH. The survey deadline has been extended until 10th Dec. Further details and application criteria available at https://nationalinventoryich.chg.gov.ie/about/
The Treaty Podcast
Kilkenny Library Service, supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht Sport and Media under the Kilkenny Decade of Centenaries 2021-2023 programme have uploaded a series of podcasts on the War of Independence to their website. One that might be of particular interest is The Treaty podcast and what the people of Kilkenny thought of the Treaty. To listen to this podcast and the other podcasts in the series go to https://www.kilkennylibrary.ie/eng/our_services/decade-of-centenaries-resources/the-treaty/
SPAB 2022 Heritage Awards
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) Heritage Awards championing built heritage from across the UK and Ireland are open, and include three new awards – Best Loved Building, Sustainable Heritage and Building Craftsperson of the Year.For further information go to https://www.spab.org.uk/get-involved/awards
Heritage at Play Lego competition
The Heritage Council is calling on children across the country to get creative and showcase an element of Irish built, natural or cultural heritage using LEGO® bricks. Closing date for receipt of entries is 2nd January 2022. Further details/criteria available at https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/projects/legocompetition?fbclid=IwAR3iPQBSviPywOHeWRV07p-SB6UT5xkECagaZSEYiLUtLelzLuo1thMxSTU