Heritage and Biodiversity Actions for Climate – webinar series
The Local Authority Heritage Officers Network webinar series “Heritage and Biodiversity Actions for Climate” showcases positive actions for climate from the heritage sector. It is supported by the City and County Managers Association and the Heritage Council. Watch the webinars here
“Embedding Climate in Heritage” (27th January 2022)
This webinar focused on how we work to embed the climate crisis, and mitigation and adaptation approaches into the heritage agenda.
Launched by Minister Malcolm Noonan, Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform.
Chaired by Paddy Woodworth, author and journalist
“Wetlands, Community and Climate” (3rd February 2022)
Wetlands and peatlands are super solutions for climate, due to their important role for both climate mitigation in absorbing carbon and adaptation by providing many ecosystem services.
Chaired by Dr. Martina Maloney, Chairperson of the Heritage Council
“Nature based solutions for Climate” (Thursday 10th February @9.30am)
Nature-based solutions are actions that protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They address societal challenges, thereby simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.
Chaired by Claire Cooper, Assistant Principal, Science & Biodiversity Unit, NPWS.
“People, Heritage and Climate”(Thursday 17th February @9.30am)
Local Authorities work with communities, landowners and politicians to create improved understanding and engagement with our places through the lenses of heritage and biodiversity. A sense of rootedness in a community helps stabilise society and allows actions to be taken for the common good.
Chaired by Sean McKeown, Director of Services, Kilkenny County Council and member of CCMA Rural Development, Community, Tourism, Culture and Heritage Committee.