Nature Based Solutions for Climate Action: Join next week’s webinar
The Local Authority Heritage Officers Network will host their 3rd webinar on Thurs 10th February @ 9.30am titled Nature-Based Solutions for Climate. This series is supported by the local authorities, City and County Managers Association and the Heritage Council. see If you missed the first webinar on 27th January, Embedding Climate in Heritage, it was recorded and here is a link to view it.
Kilkenny Archaeological Society AGM
Kilkenny Archaeological Society will host their Annual General Meeting online on Wed 23rd February @8pm when the election of officers and council for the year will take place. Notice of intention to stand for any position or for council membership should be sent to the Hon. Secretary on or before Monday 14th February. Contact Kilkenny Archaeological Society for further details
Biodiversity Walks & Talks
Norevision have advised that their walk on 12th February is now fully booked but they will host another walk along the River Nore on Saturday 19th February @10am (meeting point is Thomastown GAA Club). All walks will be led by ecologists who will share their knowledge as you explore the river and its surroundings. Further details/booking at
Memory and Oral History online event
Oral History Network Ireland (OHNI) will host a free online networking event, via zoom, on Thursday 3rd Feb @7pm titled Memory and Oral History. It offers a space for oral historians to meet in an informal setting to discuss ideas and meet other people involved in oral history. This is a free event but registration is required. Further details/registration
OHNI Interview Skills Training Workshop online
Oral History Network Ireland (OHNI) will host an online Interview Skills Training Workshop on Friday 11th February 2 -5pm and will focus on developing the key skills required to conduct the best possible oral history interview. Fee: €25 members, €35 non-members. Further details/registration
Action for Wetlands Fund 2022
The Convention on Wetlands on World Wetlands Day 2022 is inviting individuals, community organisations and social enterprises to submit pitches of project ideas or initiatives which aim to contribute to healthy wetlands by either promoting conservation, restoration or improved management. Applications for Pitch for the Grant will open on 2nd February and close on 2nd March 2022 with the winner and three finalists to be announced on 22nd March, World Water Day. The winning project idea or initiative will receive €10,000 provided by Danone. Further details at
Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2022 reminder
Just to remind you that the Heritage Council is now accepting applications from community groups and not for profit organisations for its Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2022. Closing date is 5pm Wednesday 16th February. Applications accepted online only. Further details/criteria available at
Heritage Tourism: Request with survey
An undergraduate research student of tourism and business at the Technological University of the Shannon, Limerick got in touch with us. The student is completing research and writing a Bachelor’s Degree thesis on heritage tourism and is looking for Irish tourists to complete the survey of 20 questions. If you or anyone you know can help here is the link to the questionnaire