Calling all Tidy Towns to “Get Buzzing”
Tidy Towns groups are encouraged to enter the Local Authority Pollinator Award in the national Tidy Towns competition. The award, with a €10,000 prize fund, supports pollinator-friendly actions. Closing date is Fri 10th June. For more details and application forms see
In order to encourage more groups to support pollinators and enter the award, the Heritage Office sent survey forms to all Tidy Towns groups in the county. If you received one of the survey forms, this is a gentle reminder to please email it back to us at – your feedback will help us to target our support.
Power’s Drapery Storytelling Evening
A few weeks ago we sent a call out for your memories of Power’s Drapery, Callan as their granddaughter Róisín Power Hackett was researching the social and architectural history of the shop. Róisín is now inviting you to the Power’s Drapery Storytelling Evening on Wed 20th April 7-9pm, in Fennelly’s, Callan where actor and storyteller, Jessica Walsh, will tell the stories collected and the audience are also invited to share their stories. All are welcome.
Dawn Chorus
BirdWatch Ireland Kilkenny Branch will host a Dawn Chorus event on Sunday 15th May in Jenkinstown Wood. Meeting in the wood car park at 4.30am. Wear suitable warm waterproof clothing in case of inclement weather. For further details email
Save the date for Cruinnúi na nÒg (Sat 11th June)
Cruinnúi na nÒg (national day of free creativity for young people) will take place on Sat 11th June. In Kilkenny it will include a range of exciting creative projects for young people. Details of the Kilkenny programme will be advertised shortly.
Oral History Digital Skills online event
Oral History Network Ireland (OHNI) will host an online event via zoom, for members only, titled Training: Digital Skills – Best Practice in Oral History Technology on Saturday 21st May from 8am – 5pm. Further details available at
Tidy Towns 2022 competition launched
Minister Humphreys, in association with Ian Allen, SuperValu Managing Director, launched the 2022 SuperValu TidyTowns competition, with thousands of volunteers across the country thrilled to see the competition back in full swing. Closing date for receipt of entries is Friday 20th May 2022. Entry forms and information booklet available at
Outing to Clomantagh Castle
Kilkenny Archaeological Society will host an outing to Clomantagh Castle and the nearby Cavalry Barracks on Thursday 19th May from 2.30-5pm. Meet at Clomantagh Castle @ 2.30pm. Car pooling recommended and bring your own refreshments. Further details available at
Edmund Fitzpatrick Weekend & Margaret Allen Day
Féile Lachtain continues with the launch of Ned Kennedy’s booklet on Freshford born artist and illustrator, Edmund Fitzpatrick, on Fri 6th May @8pm, with a weekend exhibition of. A lecture on artist, Margaret Allen, by Derville Murphy, will take place on Sat 7th May @3pm and will trace her life and work, the first female member of the R.I.A., and her connection with North Kilkenny. All events in Ionad Lachtain.
Save the date
Ireland’s second National Biodiversity Conference 2022 will be held in Dublin Castle and streamed live online over two days on Wed 8th & Thurs 9th June. This conference is an initiative of the Dept. of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in support of Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan. We will let you have more information as it comes to hand.