Heritage News & Events 21.7.22

 Create your own “My Events” Heritage Week Trail
“My Events Trail” is a new feature for Heritage Week this year which allows you to create your own trail and share it with your social media. Go to www.heritageweek.ie  – under “Events” click on the symbol beside the events you would like to go to and they will automatically be uploaded to your events trail. Event organisers may also wish to use this feature to show all of the events happing in their location throughout the week.
National Heritage Week Awards 2022
This year’s National Heritage Week Awards will comprise the county awards, as well as a number of special categories: National Heritage Hero Award; Sustainable Heritage Award; Biodiversity Award; Wild Child Award; Water Heritage Award, Sustainable and Inclusive Event Award. Nominations will open on Saturday 13th August and close on Monday 5th Sept @5pm. Further details available at https://www.heritageweek.ie/about/heritage-awards


Free Litter Picking Kit for Resident Associations
Kilkenny County Council recently launched “Let’s Team Up to Clean Up, Together for Kilkenny”, an environmental day of action to empower local communities, with the first event taking place in Kilkenny City on 9th October. Groups who register will receive a litter picking kit worth over €100. The Kilkenny City event on 9th October is also open to sporting clubs, hobby groups, businesses and schools.  Further details/registration at https://cleanup.kilkenny.ie/

Borris House outing
Kilkenny Archaeological Society will host an own car picnic outing (bring your own picnic) to Borris House on Wednesday 17th August. Meet in Borris House grounds. Tour of the house at 3pm. Admission charge €10 to Borris House. Further details available at https://kilkennyarchaeologicalsociety.ie/event-page/

Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland booklet launched
The Commemorations Unit of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media have issued a link to the booklet from the launch of the Virtual Treasury Record of Ireland.  Go to https://virtualtreasury.ie/backend/flipbooking/century-of-recovery-beyond2022/ to read the booklet.
Teagasc Signpost Series webinars
Teagasc and partners will host a weekly series of Signpost webinars titled ‘Focus on Uplands’ from Friday 22nd July – Friday 12th Aug @9.30am which will include a variety of topics. For registration  and topics to be covered go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fvmL1CiSQ0Sy6WZNCoAfMw