Heritage News & Events 7.7.22

Photo courtesy of BirdWatch Ireland

Free workshops to help Swifts in Kilkenny – Reminder
Just a reminder that we still have places in our two swift workshops to train interested people in how to record swifts in towns and villages in Kilkenny. The first workshop is on Thursday 7th July @7pm in the Concert Hall, Thomastown and the 2nd workshop is on Tuesday 12th July @7pm in the Club House Hotel, Patrick St, Kilkenny.  The workshops are free but booking is essential please.  Email heritage@kilkennycoco.ie to book your place.

OPW free admission for people with disabilities
The Office of Public Works reminded us that there is FREE admission for people with disabilities and their carers to all of their fee-paying heritage sites across the country. Information about each site’s accessibility can be found on their individual web pages so if you would like to visit a specific place and have any concerns about accessibility or queries about the facilities on offer, contact the site directly. Further details available at https://heritageireland.ie/visit/accessibility/

River Nore Freshwater Pearl Mussel Talk & Ceramic Workshop
Butler Gallery will host a drop-in event on Saturday 9th July from 12-4pm. Environmental scientist and Ireland’s leading freshwater mussel expert, Dr Evelyn Moorkens, and artist Mary Conroy, will help participants learn about the freshwater pearl mussel in the River Nore and their role in the healthy ecosystem of the river. They will make ceramic mussels to become part of a collaborative art installation at Butler Gallery in August and September. Further details available at https://www.butlergallery.ie/whats-on/mussel-talk-and-mussel-making

Traditional Skills Course
Ballintubber Heritage Group is hosting a Traditional Skills Course at Ballintubber Castle, County Roscommon on 28th & 29th July, funded by the Heritage Council under the Community Heritage Grants Scheme, and supported by Roscommon County Council Heritage Office. For further details/bookings contact Anthony Waldron, Ballintubber Heritage Group 086 7866774 or email anthonywaldron@mail.com