Writing Home Documentary Screening
In association with Kilkenny County Council there will be a free screening of Writing Home, a documentary about creative engagement developed by poet Colm Keegan for homeless service users, on Monday 20th February @6.30pm in the Set Theatre, Langton House Hotel. This programme was supported by Kilkenny County Council, Creative Ireland and Poetry Ireland. Free event but booking is essential. Go to https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/writing-home-documentary-screening-tickets-542700229997
Royal Irish Academy Archaeology Research Grants open for applications
The Royal Irish Academy in partnership with the National Monuments Service and the Historic Environment Division NI are open for applications in the following areas; Archaeology Research Excavation Grants, Directed Archaeological Research for World Heritage Sites and Archaeology Radiocarbon Dates Scheme. Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 30th March 2023. Guidelines, grant criteria and online application forms available at https://www.ria.ie/news/grants-and-awards/archaeology-grants-open
Decade of Centenaries in Kilkenny information booklet for primary schools
Kilkenny Library Services, with funding from the Kilkenny Decade of Centenaries Programme 2022 which is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2021-2023 initiative, have produced an information booklet for Kilkenny primary schools, aimed at 5th & 6th class students, which will simplify events in Kilkenny during the decade with details on where they can find further information and resources. A supply of the booklets will be disseminated to local primary schools over the next few weeks. The booklet can also be accessed online at https://www.kilkennylibrary.ie/eng/our_services/decade-of-centenaries-resources/decade-of-centenaries-in-kilkenny/
Climate Change Survey – we need your help
Action G5g. of the Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plan for Built and Archaeological Heritage is to Build public awareness of the risks of climate change (in general and for heritage) and of efforts to mitigate it and adapt. This survey has been created to help the Department understand what has been achieved, where the gaps are and if any barriers exist. This particular survey is aimed at those working in the heritage sector, is anonymous and the data submitted will be utilised for this purpose only. To complete the survey (8 questions and should only take 5 -10 minutes to complete) go to https://forms.office.com/e/Sh031SPihT