Heritage Council announces projects to be funded through Heritage Stewardship Fund
The Heritage Council has today announced the projects to be funded this year under its Heritage Stewardship Fund, a new scheme that supports staff in local authorities, public bodies, state agencies and third level educational institutes working on heritage programmes. Through funding from this scheme Kilkenny County Council has been awarded €30,000 for a project which will record Kilkenny’s Medieval and Early Modern Buildings. This project will produce laser scan, photogrammetry record and interpretation of upstanding historic structures and masonry elements at No. 19-21 Parliament Street, Kilkenny. In Kilkenny, this fund is administered by Francis Coady, Architectural Conservation Officer at Kilkenny County Council (francis.coady@kilkennycoco.ie). A full list of projects funded nationwide is available here
Oral History Interview Skills Workshop
The Oral History Network Ireland (OHNI) will host an Interview Skills Workshop, in-person, on Friday 28th April from 1-4.30pm at Mary Immaculate College (TARA Building), Limerick. This interactive, in-person workshop will focus on developing the key skills required to conduct the best possible oral history interview and explore the relationship between interviewer and interviewee, examining the practicalities of the before, during and after stages of oral history interviewing. Cost: Members €35, Non-Members €55. Further details/registration at https://oralhistorynetworkireland.ie/event/interview-skills-workshop
Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme open for applications
The Heritage Council, in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, have announced the opening for applications under the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme. The principal objective of this scheme is to ensure that traditional farm buildings and other related structures that contribute to the character of the landscape and are of significant heritage value, are conserved for active agricultural use. Closing date for receipt of online applications is 5pm Monday 24th April 2023. A short information webinar will take place on Friday 31st March @12pm. For webinar registration, grant criteria and application process go to Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme | The Heritage Council
Architecture Officer with The Heritage Council
The Heritage Council is seeking to recruit an Architecture Officer. This position is a fixed-term 2-year post and will support the Council in delivering the aims and objectives contained in its Strategic Plan. Closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm Tuesday 18th April 2023. Further details available at https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/news/jobs/architecture-officer-with-the-heritage-council