Community Monuement Fund 2024 Report

Community Monuments Fund 2024

In Kilkenny twelve projects were awarded funding by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage under the 2024 Community Monuments Fund (CMF). The aim of this funding is to help owners and custodians of archaeological monuments to safeguard them into the future. This funding was administered by the Heritage Office in Kilkenny County Council in partnership with the Environment Section of Kilkenny County Council. The programme provides 100% project funding the total drawn down in 2024 was €509,580. Please find following the details of each project:

Stream 1 – Essential repairs and capital works for the conservation of archaeological monuments

Grant Amount
Grangefertagh Medieval Church and Graveyard, Johnstown Phase 2 of conservation works at this site and involving masonry repairs to the ruined church including removal of vegetation and consolidation of the surviving walls. €35,926.00


Tubbrid Medieval Church and Graveyard, Clontubrid

Works to secure the church ruins and urgent stabilisation of the leaning monument inside the church.



19 Parliament Street, Kilkenny City Works to secure the repair and stabilisation of a seventeenth century historic structure. €100,000.00


21 Parliament Street, Kilkenny City Works to repair the historic masonry and replace existing end of life roof on this seventeenth century historic structure. €116,064.00


Stream 2 – Development of Conservation Management Plans/Reports and detailed Specification of Works aimed at identifying measures for conservation of archaeological monuments and improving public access Grant Amount
Kellymount Medieval Graveyard, Paulstown A comprehensive Conservation Management Plan was prepared for this site. This included specialist reports from an archaeologist, ecologist and conservation engineer who have made recommendations on the prioritisation of works. €18,389.00


St David’s Church, Castleinch, Ballycallan A comprehensive Conservation Management Plan was prepared for this site. This included specialist reports from an archaeologist, ecologist and conservation engineer who have made recommendations on the prioritisation of works. €18,266.00


St Coleman’s Medieval Church and Graveyard, Churchclara, Clara A comprehensive Conservation Management Plan was prepared for this site. This included specialist reports from an archaeologist, ecologist and conservation engineer who have made recommendations on the prioritisation of works. €20,541.00


St Catherine’s Church, Rathbeagh A comprehensive Conservation Management Plan was prepared for this site. This included specialist reports from an archaeologist, ecologist and conservation engineer who have made recommendations on the prioritisation of works. €15,375.00


Stream 3 – Enhancement of access infrastructure, interpretation at archaeological monuments. Grant Amount
Cloghabrody Medieval Graveyard, Thomastown Emergency works to secure a collapse in the boundary wall of the graveyard. €13,552.00


St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny City Improved Interpretation for St. Canice’s Round Tower and graveyard/cathedral close area, consisting of information panels. €30,000.00


Kenny’s Well, Kilkenny City Preparation of a plan to enhance the Access and Interpretation for Kenny’s Well. €30,000.00


Garryduff Medieval Graveyard, Paulstown

Emergency works to secure a collapse in the boundary wall of the graveyard.


         Grangfertagh – Before works

Grangefertagh – After works