Langton Families Lecture
Kilkenny Archaeological Society will host a lecture, by Dr. Rory O’Shea, titled Langton Families: Can DNA combined with circumstantial evidence form a bridge between Kilkenny and Cadiz? on Wednesday 21st Nov @8pm in Rothe House, Parliament St., Kilkenny. Society members: €7, Non Members: €10. Further details
Suffrage to Self-Government Lecture
South Kilkenny Historical Society will host a lecture, by speaker Liz Gillis, titled From Suffrage to Self-Government – the Fight for Women’s Rights and National Freedom on Friday, 26th Oct @8pm in Mullinavat Parish Hall, Mullinavat. Admission: €5 (society members free). All are welcome. Email for further details.
Public Meetings in South East
The Local Authority Waters Support and Advice Team will hold a public meeting on Thursday 8th November from 7.30 – 8.30pm in Coon Parish Hall, Coon, Co. Kilkenny to inform stakeholders and the general public about water quality issues in the Dinin Priority Area for Action and to gather any local information that may inform the process. Further information
EU-IE Conference
A conference, jointly organised by the Irish Government’s Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and the European Commission, titled Irish as a full official and working language of the EU – building up Irish linguistic capacity will take place on 6th November from 9am – 5pm in the Alex Hotel, 41-47 Fenian St., Ballsbridge, Dublin. RSVP by 29th October to
We are all engagers
The Irish Museums Association 2019 annual conference, with the title “We are all Engagers” will be held in Cork on 1st & 2nd March 2019 with Crawford Art Gallery, Cork Public Museum and The Glucksman. The deadline for submissions of short abstracts for consideration is 11th November 2018. Further details
Archaeology Research Excavations Grant Schemes
The Royal Irish Academy’s grant schemes for ‘Archaeology Research Excavations’, funded by the National Monuments Service, is now open for applications. This scheme supports independent research excavations and welcomes applications for new, continuing and post excavation works. Closing date: 26th November. Further details