County Kilkenny has a rich and diverse heritage which includes our countryside, rivers, lakes, woodlands, ancient sites, buildings, villages and townscapes. It also includes our history, folklore, customs and traditions. It is those special elements of our landscape that make us feel connected to our home place, townlands, parishes, villages, towns and county and embodies a feeling of pride and a sense of place.
Protection of our heritage not only has heritage benefits and benefits for the quality of life of the people of Kilkenny, but also has economic benefits for the county by providing and encouraging attractive towns, villages and countryside for visitors and locals alike.
The 1995 Heritage Act describes heritage as including:
• Archaeological objects
• Landscapes
• Heritage parks and gardens
• Heritage objects
• Seascapes
• Inland waterways
• Architectural heritage
• Flora
• Wrecks
• Fauna
• Wildlife habitats and,
• Geology.
The County Kilkenny Heritage Plan, which is prepared and implemented in partnership with the Kilkenny Heritage Forum, also includes folklore, local history and sport in its definition of heritage, in addition to the Heritage Act, to reflect the county’s interest.