Glenmore History
A new blog titled Glenmore History Blog has commenced. For almost 7 decades the history of Glenmore has been researched and recorded by local historian, Danny Dowling. This project, managed by Glenmore History, is dedicated to highlighting and sharing Danny’s extraordinary work.
Garden Bird Survey starts this week
As the Irish countryside changes, gardens are becoming increasingly important havens for many bird species and it is vital for Birdwatch Ireland to know how their populations are faring. Between December and February each year Birdwatch Ireland ask members of the public to keep note of the highest number of each bird species visiting their garden every week. Taking part is fun, easy and an ideal way to get to know your garden birds. Further details at
‘Church of Ireland: Disestablishment and beyond’ conference
The Royal Irish Academy, in partnership with the Church of Ireland as part of the Church’s National Programme, will host a half day conference titled ‘Church of Ireland: Disestablishment and beyond’ on Thursday 27th February from 1.15 – 6pm in Academy House, Dawson St, Dublin 2. Tickets: €10 – €15. For further details go to