Heritage News & Events 22.7.20

Heritage Week 2020
Heritage Week 2020 will take place from 15th -23rd August with a change to this year’s programme moving from events to projects.  Please note that the deadline to register projects is 12 noon on Tuesday 4th August.  To find out more go to https://www.heritageweek.ie/news/submission-of-completed-projects-now-open

Community Facilities Covid 19 small grant support scheme
Kilkenny County Council LCDC have launched a Reopening of Community Facilities under Covid 19 Restrictions Small Grant Support Scheme. Application forms/guidelines available at
https://www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/Community_Culture/Grants/Covid-19-Communities-Facilities-Reopening-Grant-Scheme-Application-Form.html Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 24th July 2020.

Kilkenny resident features in the new ‘Ask the Farmer’ Series
Farming for Nature Ambassadors will feature in the new ‘Ask the Farmer’ Series. The Monday evening sessions will include a short interview with the featured farmer and then an open Q&A which will be done online through Zoom which you can access on your smart phone or computer. Go to https://www.farmingfornature.ie/2020/06/30/a-new-series-of-ask-the-farmer/ to find out more about this series and how to register.

Butler Gallery’s new home
Butler Gallery have moved to their new home in Evan’s Home, Johns Quay and will open to the public during August 2020. Keep an eye on their website as to how you can book a ticket to see this marvellous new gallery right in the city centre. https://www.butlergallery.ie/

€500,000 investment in new Creativity in Older Age Programme
Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, Catherine Martin T.D. recently announced an exciting new programme of creative activity for older people to be delivered by the Creative Ireland Programme through its strategic national partners and the local authorities designed to counteract the social side effects of the pandemic. Go to https://www.creativeireland.gov.ie/en/news/minister-catherine-martin-t-d-announces-e500000-investment-in-the-creative-ireland-programmes-new-creativity-in-older-age-programme/ for further details.