Famine Bowls – we need your help
We have a group looking for information on an historically accurate way to erect and present a famine bowl in an outdoor setting and we are asking for your help. Do you have any information or know of a source/book that might have information that could help this group? Please email heritage@kilkennycoco.ie with the information and we thank you for your help.
Talbot’s Tower showcased in “The Walled Town Crier”
The 4th edition of The Walled Town Crier (the online newsletter published by the Irish Walled Towns Network) will be of special interest to Kilkenny readers. It includes an article by Heritage Officer, Dearbhala Ledwidge on how Kilkenny County Council brought Talbots Tower from ruin to a beautiful new archaeological park in the centre of the city. https://irishwalledtownsnetwork.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IWTN-The-Walled-Town-Crier-June-2021-ISSUE-4.pdf
Are you planning a project for Heritage Week 2021?
If you’re planning a project for Heritage Week the Kilkenny Heritage Office would love to hear from you – we can provide advice and also help to publicise your project. It’s a great opportunity to showcase any heritage work that you’ve been doing with other communities. Heritage Week will follow the same format as last year – projects will be showcased online, and in-person events will be limited and must adhere to public health advice. Email us at heritage@kilkennycoco.ie or see https://www.heritageweek.ie/register-a-project/organise-a-project
Let’s get buzzing – Reminder
A reminder for any Tidy Towns group that is considering entering the Local Authority Pollinator Award in the national Tidy Towns competition. The award, with a €10,000 prize fund, encourages Tidy Towns groups to implement pollinator-friendly actions as part of the Tidy Towns competition and this year there is a new “Best Newcomer Award” with a prize of €1,000. Closing date for applications is 23rd July 2021. Further details/application forms available at https://pollinators.ie/communities/tidytowns-pollinator-award/enter-the-2021-local-authority-pollinator-award/
War of Independence online seminar
The Military Archives and the Military History Society of Ireland will host a 2-day historical conference on the War of Independence 1919-1921 on 9th & 10th July. This online conference will be live streamed with no registration required. Further details available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-_4HtUyG_no_WPzsME0zVYDyaW1WEjtW/view
Wildfire Management & Planning online workshop
Sadly, wildfires are becoming more common, so this free workshop on Wildfire Planning and Management, organised by the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service, in collaboration with the Mournes Heritage Trust and Pau Costa Foundation, may be of interest. It takes place on Tuesday 27th July from 9.30am – 11.30am. This event is free but places are limited. Booking required https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wildfire-planning-and-management-in-ireland-tickets-161886239099
Healthy Kilkenny Virtual launch – Save the date
Healthy Kilkenny will have their virtual launch and a celebration of Kilkenny joining the Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network on Tuesday 13th July @10.30 – 11.00 with special guest, Minister Frank Feighan. and all are welcome. If you would like to join the event go to https://www.youtube.com/kilkennycoco on the day