Take part in Kilkenny Heritage Week 2021
National Heritage Week 2021 starts on 14th Aug and there’s a great selection of things to do:
- Can you help with information on Kilkenny’s traditional shop signs and signwriters?
- Have a look at the hidden crypt filmed by Tullahought Community Development
- Kilkenny Castle has a children’s Forest School workshop and outdoor Architectural guided tours
- The Kilkenny small mammal and barn owl surveys need your help with sightings
- The Medieval Mile Museum has outdoor talks in the graveyard
- Or join Butler Gallery’s Director to hear the story of Evans’ Home, a former alms house.
- Listen in to interviews about Kilkenny’s heritage with Eimear Ni Bhraonain each weekday morning on KCLR Live
- Why not nominate a Heritage Hero?
- Or take part in the Landmark Trust competition
These are just a few of the many interesting things to do this Heritage Week. A full list can be seen at www.heritageweek.ie.
The Heritage Council reminds project organisers to stay up-to-date with public health measures relating to COVID-19 if they are organising in-person events during Heritage Week 2021.
What has the cat dragged in?
The Kilkenny Heritage Office need your help. Our small mammals are an important part of Ireland’s biodiversity. Without mice, shrews and voles, iconic species like the barn owl would disappear. Please share photos of any small mammals that you find or that your cat brings home! Send your photos, along with the location to heritage@kilkennycoco.ie Further details about this survey available at https://kilkennyheritage.ie/2021/08/what-has-your-cat-dragged-in/
Ready and Able to Reopen 2021 online workshop
Kilkenny and Carlow Volunteer Centres, in collaborating with Carmichael Ireland will host a free Ready and Able workshop on Wednesday 18th August from 10 -11.30am and is suitable for all community and voluntary groups. All attendees will receive a Practical Step-by-Step Manual which will enable them to work through a series of key steps with their committees/volunteers and structure their operations in a Covid complaint way. To book go to https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ready-and-able-to-reopen-tickets-164842320819
How can your heritage group/site input to Kilkenny’s Digital Strategy?
Kilkenny County Council is developing a Digital Strategy and they want your help. The strategy will be of interest to heritage venues, sites, local history groups, tidy towns groups and community groups. Please share your views by completing an online questionnaire most relevant to you for Business, Non-Profit organisations or Consumers or you can complete all three. Its available at Kilkenny County Council: Digital Awareness/Usage Questionnaire
Letterfrack Conservation online Workshop Tour
Letterfrack Conservation, as part of National Heritage Week 2021, are hosting an Online Workshop Tour featuring a number of Heritage Objects on Sunday 15th August @11am and will give an insight into materials, construction, unique features and conservation treatments with time allowed for questions. Free event but registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/online-workshop-tour-featuring-a-number-of-heritage-objects-tickets-164864244393