Hedgehog Workshop – reminder
We have a few places left on our Hedgehog Workshop on Saturday 2nd July from 11am-1pm in Kilkenny Education Centre. The workshop is free but places are limited. Contact heritage@kilkennycoco.ie to book your place and the heritage office will give a free biodiversity goodie bag to everyone who completes the workshop.
National Heritage Week 2022
The Heritage Council are calling on heritage newcomers, enthusiasts and experts of all ages from across Ireland to focus on sustainable heritage and biodiversity during National Heritage Week 2022. To find out more go to https://www.heritageweek.ie/news/sustainable-heritage-and-biodiversity-to-the-fore-heritage-council-launches-national-heritage-week
Free workshops to help Swifts in Kilkenny – Reminder
Just a reminder that we still have places in our two swift workshops to train interested people in how to record swifts in towns and villages in Kilkenny. The first workshop is on Thursday 7th July @7pm in the Concert Hall, Thomastown and the 2nd workshop is on Tuesday 12th July @7pm in the Club House Hotel, Patrick St, Kilkenny. The workshops are free but registration is required. Please email heritage@kilkennycoco.ie to book your place.
Memory and Oral History Conference
Oral History Network Ireland (OHNI) will host their annual conference, titled Memory and Oral History, on 1st & 2nd July in Maynooth with an exiting selection of workshops, papers and discussion sessions as well as their keynote address from Professor Guy Beiner. Registration and event costs at https://oralhistorynetworkireland.ie/2022-conference
IN FOCUS Ezine 3rd Issue
Kilkenny County Council Community section have issued their 3rd IN FOCUS ezine which takes a close look at projects completed and currently underway in Graiguenamanagh which continue to have a positive impact on the town and you can read this interactive magazine by going to https://www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/publications/newsletter/graiguenamanagh-in-focus-regeneration-projects-newsletter.html
‘How Local Authorities can address the Biodiversity Emergency’ conference
Limerick City and County Council and the National Biodiversity Data Centre will host a national conference titled ‘How Local Authorities can address the Biodiversity Emergency’ on 21st & 22nd September in the Strand Hotel Limerick. The conference programme and booking details will be available in the coming weeks.