Heritage News & Events 22.12.23

Launch of Kilkenny’s Decade of Centenaries, 1912-23/2012-23 book

Individuals, community groups and organisations from across County Kilkenny gathered in Set Theatre last Friday morning to celebrate the launch of Kilkenny’s Decade of Centenaries, 1912-23/2012-23 and to mark the end of the Decade of Centenaries Programme in Kilkenny. The booklet, which was launch by Cllr. Michael Doyle, Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, collates the wide variety of events, projects and initiatives that were supported by Kilkenny County Council, funded under the Community Strand of the Decade of Centenaries Programme. Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan also contributed to the event reflecting on the impact of the Decade of Centenaries Programme. address the audiences Kilkenny’s Decade of Centenaries, 1912-23/2012-23 book is available free of charge from the Heritage Office at Kilkenny County Council – Contact: heritage@kilkennycoco.ie or 056 779 4289. Click here to learn more about the event.

Launch of Kilkenny’s Decade of Centenaries, 1912-23/2012-23. Photo credit:  Dylan Vaughan


South Kilkenny Historical Society – Lá and Dreoilín

South Kilkenny Historical Society – Lá and Dreoilín (Wren Day) event on Tuesday 26th December, St. Stephen’s Day, 11:00am at Mullinavat Parish Hall and Church Car Park. Lá an Dreoilín, in Ireland, centres around the tradition of capturing a wren, which is said to bring luck. People march dressed in garbs made of straw, including headwear that is woven into a bell shape, playing drums and traditional music, and singing. Participants are asked to make costumes and a prize will be given for the best costume. People of all ages are asked to participate in the event. Participation is not restricted to those who have costumes and/or can sing or play a musical instrument – people are asked to participate in whatever way they can, or are comfortable doing and everyone is welcome to join in on the fun.




Launch of Kilkenny Naturalists’ Field Club

The launch of the Kilkenny Naturalists’ Field Club is taking place on Monday 15th January. Registration and start 7:00pm at Butler House, Patrick Street, Kilkenny. Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan will begin proceedings, followed by a multimedia presentation on ‘Ireland’s Wildlife Sounds’, with Ornithologist Seán Ronayne. There is a €10 cover-charge, which includes membership for 2024, for those who wish to be members. Further details are available from Lorcán Scott – npws.ls.2015@gmail.com / 0858724741.


Biodiversity Activity Book for Children

Have a look at a new Biodiversity Activity Book made by children for children! What makes this book so special is that each of the ideas were suggested by a young person on the project and have been carefully tailored with children in mind. This book can be used in classrooms or by clubs and also at home! TRYBE co-designed and co-created educational resources (targeting children and young people age 8-16) based on the outcomes and recommendations of the Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss. Download your own copy or request a printed version from: https://cyp-biodiversity.ie/resources/

Photo credit: Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss – https://cyp-biodiversity.ie/


Nollaig Shona Daoibh go Léir

The Heritage Office of Kilkenny County Council would like to thank you for all of your support and engagement in 2023 and we look forward to working with you all in 2024. In the meantime, we wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas and every good wish for 2024. Nollaig Shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir.